
About Us

GoGrad is a highly trusted educational consultancy organisation operating from Lahore and Sydney. We are here to connect our potential and existing students to the best universities and courses, considering their educational backgrounds, personal interests, and future goals. We care for your future.

GoGrad meticulously work towards developing a wide range of study options, particularly specialising in overseas education. We have a team of highly reputed staff who are experienced and highly qualified. At GoGrad, we strive to leverage our expertise in what we do so that ambitious students can achieve their dream to their full potential. Therefore, we bring to you an extensive range of Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Professional Courses at our partner universities. Our expert advisors will help guide student’s complete their applications. Furthermore, we have been very mindful in choosing our partner universities since we have kept the best interests of every student in mind, essentially keeping academic quality, excellent facilities and infrastructure in mind.

We collaborate with universities, colleges, pathway providers, educational agents and local educational organisations. We keep ourselves in touch with the speed with which the dynamics of global education are changing every day. Keeping in mind how the world shrinks into a global village and the rate of technology and transformation surpasses all industries and barriers, it has become essential for students who will be the future leaders of tomorrow to be able to build a substantial body of knowledge as seen through the lens of various fields that our partner universities offer.


Our mission is to build a global platform that allows students to achieve a journey to the best possible education and an opportunity to successful aspiring careers; thereafter. We would like students to test their intellect, provide insights into college admissions by making the admission process transparent and easier. Our dedicated staff assists professionally and responsibly in each student’s application process starting from the course they would like to enrol in, university they wish to get into and visa requirements needed in order to be a successful candidate.